Happy Holidays!
With Thanksgiving still digesting, we are packing away the cornucopias and unpacking the snowmen and reindeer. And just as the calendar changes, so do the seasons. Our weather vacillates between warm, Santa Ana winds and crispy cool mornings of late November. Southern California has never been able to make up its mind.

To bring everyone up to date, the last of the three REDMOND FAMILY SECRETS books dropped in late October! This means that all three novels are now available at Amazon for your reading pleasure. For you Kindle readers, note that Book One: THE SECRETS WITHIN US will be discounted to $0.99 for the month of December! I hope you enjoy these sibling sob stories (😊) and please, remember to go to my Amazon page and leave a review! It’s very important to me.
So, what’s up next? I haven’t been able to write so much as a sentence, my practical side demanding the release of the REDMOND kids first. Well, now that they’ve been kicked from the nest, it’s time for me to start writing again. I have an outline for a fourth STARCROSSED romance; but the third installment didn’t sell well, TBH, so I’m waffling on writing Devon’s Story. People have asked me to write a fifth BEACON POINT romance, so I’ll think on that!

Or… maybe something brand new. Ima hankering to write something different. I’ll let you know what ideas pop out of my bean as soon as I see them! Until then, have a most wonderful holiday season, and please keep reading!