Karen came up with a great idea – to feature several lucky Echelon Press readers in short stories by Echelon authors. Many people entered the contest and Karen matched winners with authors who volunteered. I was paired with Lisa Marie Michaud, a children’s fantasy writer from Tampa, Florida. Lisa and I exchanged a few emails and I was able to get a snapshot of her life.
I’ve just finished the first draft of “When Harry Met Soli” (working title) to be published in December 2006. It’s currently in Karen’s hands for review.
The Blurb: “Children’s author “Soliza” Boudreau has a lifetime goal in the palm of her hand: a blockbuster digital animation contract for her first screenplay. Focused on her climb to success, she regrets the unintentional neglect of her three teenaged sons and yearns for the day she can finally notch back. And maybe even meet a nice guy.
“Trey Wilson has just inherited the seven-year-old son he hasn’t seen in years. But young Harry, grieving the recent loss of his mother, hasn’t really moved in with his dad; Hogwarts is his new home, and Harry Potter his new identity. Trey’s chance meeting with old flame Lisa Boudreau just might bring Harry a safer reality and Trey a fantasy of his own.”
This was a lot of fun to write!
Aaaa so I finally get to see a glimpse of the story… I love it!
Soliza 🙂