My Take on the Big Apple

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This summer I traveled with my husband and daughter to the Big Apple! My first time there. Just getting around to posting my thoughts.

New York is a very interesting place. I came back with a whole new perspective on the place. We Angelenos have a long history of impressions and images of NY, kind of a rivalry, right? They talk about New Yorkers being tough, indifferent, competitive, rushed?, etc. It’s partly true. But after having experienced the city, I now understand how this societal shift has occurred.

To survive in New York, you must (a) give up your personal space; and (b) form a hardened exterior because of it. A story I heard goes, a tourist (let’s say she’s from L.A.) is in a restaurant, and she asks the man at the next table what he’s eating because it looks so good. He answers, “you aren’t from here, are you?” She politely asks why he thinks that, and he says, “because here, we don’t talk to each other [strangers] in restaurants.” (We did, however, meet many nice and conversational locals!)

We visited all the usual places:  The Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, The Top of the Rock, The Museum of Modern Art. We walked uptown and visited Central Park, FAO Schwarz, American Girl Place, and the Museum of Natural History. Being summer, the streets and exhibits were very crowded. Ground Zero and the 9/11 Memorials were sobering.


On our list and didn’t disappoint!

I would hate to be hurt or injured in that town. Ambulances sit in traffic, sirens blaring, waiting for cars to move that are waiting for people in the streets. Response time has to be 50% of what it is here. People MUST die in those ambulances all the time.

Street vendors. 4 or 5 identical on each corner. Times Square is like its own little amusement park, a cross between Disneyland and Las Vegas. We walked everywhere, taking in the sights, taking photos. Once, we got into a pedestrian crush so bad we couldn’t move for minutes.Street work was going on. Thousands of people traverse the area on foot, and it was just like the I-405, only human.

Central Park is a haven, a respite for when you’ve just had enough. Lush, huge, quiet(er), cool. You just have to get there and go inside and find a bench. Street musicians, mini-events, lakes, picturesque spots. Amusement park, playgrounds, carousel, rowboats, the Zoo, horse-drawn carriages, youth sports, Strawberry Fields & Imagine, bridges, and ice cream. When you emerge from the Park, it’s like, “Oh, yeah. This place is still here.”

A Public Diary?

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typewriterI recently realized that I haven’t been posting to my blog for some time. Putting it off in favor of other, more important activities like eating M&M’s by the handful, watching my tire pressure gauge blink repeatedly and shopping for a Halloween costume. A few days ago a colleague posted a question to her Facebook friends:  “What would you like to see on my blog, if anything?” The few that bothered to answer admitted to not reading other peoples’ blogs, but lamented that their own blogs amounted to little more than an online, public diary; that no one reads their blogs, either. So why do it, they pondered? Is it more a self-serving activity, a place to organize our thoughts and occasionally announce an achievement, a new release, a personal appearance?

I also recently set up a newsletter mailing list. It took some time to get it all set up, with a signup page on this website, a sample “first” newsletter, the collection of a few names. And yet, I never sent it out.

Another thing I noticed is the Facebook connection. Like most people, I have my blog “networked” to automatically post to Facebook, my Amazon page, etc. Most people that do read a few lines of the blog post do so via Facebook. They don’t often click through and read it here. Therefore, is there even a benefit to posting it here to begin with?

I believe that as self-promoters, authors and indie-authors in particular have a long row to hoe, so to speak, when it comes to marketing and promotion. We tend to periodically throw things at a wall to see what will stick, never delving very deeply into any one area for fear of missing something else. Trends come and go quickly, too. By the time we try something “new” it’s often already run its course.

Still, for whatever reason, I like to blog and talk about things that are important or fun, so I will continue to do so. If anyone is actually reading this, give me a shout out and tell me what you’re doing with your blog.

And by the way, it’s a gypsy. My costume. (My next StarCrossed Romance is called, “The Gypsy in Me.” Don’t worry, I’ll be doing a cover reveal soon! Here. On the blog.)


California’s Lighthouses: The History…

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…and the Mystery!

In honor of National Lighthouse Day

and in celebration of the release of my third romantic lighthouse mystery,

ANGEL’S GATE, I’ll be presenting a talk on our beautiful

West Coast beacons at Santa Clarita’s newest library!


Library poster2 copy

Free event, free parking, free refreshments and a drawing for a lovely gift basket!

Saturday, August 9, 2014  –  11:00 am

Join us in the Community Room! 

Dive Into Summer with Anne Carter!

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Guess what? Today’s the day! We are “diving into summer” with some fabulous authors and readers along for the ride. Good timing, too, since the Beacon Point Romance series is in full bloom!

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Beacon Point Romance Book Three

Beacon Point Romance Prequel

Beacon Point Romance Prequel

Beacon Point Romance Book One

Beacon Point Romance Book One


Beacon Point Romance Book Two

Beacon Point Romance Book Two


What ties these stories of romance and intrigue together? Lighthouses – and mysteries brought upon a group of friends who solve them – while falling in love, of course! See them all at my Amazon Author Page!

And right now, celebrating the release of Angel’ls Gate, EVER & ALWAYS is on sale for just 99 cents!! So let’s have a couple of contests: Be sure to scroll down to see it all!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Cover Reveal: Beautifully Used by Susan Griscom

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Title: Beautifully Used

Author: Susan Griscom
Series: The Beaumont Brothers
Genre: New Adult Contemporary
Publisher: Amber Glow Books
Release Date: Aug 2014
Edition/Formats It Will be Available In: eBook & Print
Brodie Beaumont – “I’m not going to pretend to be somebody I’m not. I like who I am, and I don’t need you or anyone else judging me. I’m not going to lie; I like women, and I don’t mind that they use me. Besides, I’m never really sure just who is using whom. Sure, I have a past, but who doesn’t? And maybe that’s why I act the way I do. But that’s neither here nor there, because I really don’t care.”
Gabrielle Demeres – “I’d learned the hard way what type of guy Brodie Beaumont truly was. His crude seduction tactics earned him a slap to the face after he actually groped my breasts while attempting to kiss me. I can’t say I was looking forward to another encounter with Brodie Beaumont. As my eyes fell upon a large pair of men’s DC Court shoes facing right toward me, I reluctantly looked up to find the man himself in all his yummy glory standing three feet in front of me, frowning. Yeah, I know, I had slapped him and declined his not so eloquent offer, but the guy was still hot despite his lack of discretion in the romance department.”
Forced to spend time together, Gabrielle and Brodie face the unthinkable on what was supposed to be the most memorable day of her best friend’s and his brother’s life. Would they be capable of overcoming their aversion for one another while coping with their own troubled pasts? Or is their hostility just skating the fine line between love and hate?
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I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, spending most of my time daydreaming or playing around in the mud. I grew out of the mud play, well, most of the time, a good soak in the mud is always fun. I still daydream often and sometimes my daydreams interrupt my daydreams. So, I write to remember them. If I didn’t write, I think my mind would explode from an overload of fantasy and weirdness. To the annoyance of my friends and family, my characters sometimes become a part of my world. During my childhood, I would frequently get in trouble in school for daydreaming. Eventually, my vivid imagination paid off and I had the privilege of writing and co-directing my sixth-grade class play–a dreadful disaster, though not from my writing, of course. I’m pretty sure it was the acting.

I enjoy writing about characters living in small quaint towns and sometimes they tend to lean toward the unusual and edgy.

My paranormal playing field delves into a different milieu, abandoning vampires and werewolves, but not discounting them. Someday I might like to write a novel about vamps and those furry creatures. But for now I like the bizarre mixed with romance. A strong hero or heroine confronted with extraordinary forces of nature, powers and capabilities gets my blood running hot as does a steamy contemporary romantic suspense.


Places to find Susan
Blog Surrender Your Senses
Blog Susan’s Sensual Side
Places to find Beautifully Used
Goodreads Add Me To Your TBR
Susan’s Other Titles
*The Beaumont Brothers*
Beautifully Used Book 2 Coming Soon
*Whisper Cape Series*
Reflections Book 2

Whisper Cape Boxed Set Books 1 – 3

New Release, New Newsletter

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Blank white book w/pathI’m positively THRILLED to announce the release of ANGEL’S GATE in the Kindle store! Other formats will follow, of course; but this book is a milestone for me, the third in the Beacon Point Romance series and one I’m quite proud of. In celebration of this happy event, I’m creating a way to stay in touch with my many new followers and fans. “Mystery & Light” News from Anne Carter also debuts today– a Mailchimp Newsletter list– and I’m sweetening the pot by giving out five free ebooks to random subscribers who sign up by June 30th. This won’t be a spammy, every day kind of thing; you’ll only hear from me if I have a new release, a personal appearance or a contest!

And… THANK YOU to all my dear friends and supporters who’ve so steadfastly remained loyal during this long ride!

Subscribe here….

Winning: The Stanley Cup and Something Even Bigger

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darryl_sutter-childrenIn the wake of last night’s crazy madness over the big win, I happened to remember seeing a shot of a short young man with a sweet, round face holding the Cup over his head (with a little help). I wondered, only briefly, who he was; perhaps a special, challenged young fan with on-ice privileges. This morning I discovered that the “fan” was none other than L.A. Kings Coach Sutter’s son, Chris. According to Rich Hammond’s 2012 article from, Chris Sutter “was born with the form of Down syndrome known as Trisomy 21, a genetic disorder that, to various extents, impacts a child’s mental and physical development.” The Sutters were told their son would likely be deaf and blind, and wouldn’t live long. That they should hand him over to state services. But his parents didn’t give up on Chris, as evidenced by last night’s happy display. The 21 year old is a high school graduate, plays guitar and participates in Special Olympics. He loves hockey and he loves his dad’s team. Now THAT’S a triumph worth celebrating.

Friday Book News: Superstitious?

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L.A. Kings LogoWell, all the buzz today is about a full moon closely overlapping Friday the 13th; our fabulous, hot L.A. Kings return home to Staples tonight hoping to get the BIG WIN on home ice; somebody’s posting about a giant rabbit; graduations and commencement ceremonies are all over, and Sunday is Father’s Day. Whew.

For me, I’ve got a book coming out in a few days, a Goodreads contest culminating, a work-in-progress calling out to me from the keyboard. I’m thinking about promotions, advertisements and audio books. I’m The-Blackest-Night-FINAL-FRONT-EBOOK-04132014-copyreading a great murder mystery by Jen Hilborne, called THE BLACKEST NIGHT and I can barely put it down. Only my sleep deprivation has prevented me from finishing it the last two nights. GREAT story. Jen really knows how to write a mystery, and her talent inspires me.

My local library is hosting me in August in celebration of National Lighthouse Day. I’ll be presenting “California Lighthouses: The History and the Mystery.” Can’t wait. I have a number of friends and fans that will show up and I think I’ll be able to segue into a little booksigning at the end. Woot!

I ran a poll this week to determine the final book cover for ANGEL’S GATE. I had a spirited 45 people participate! There was a clear winner, which I’m happy about. I also experimented with Facebook’s “Boost Post” feature, wasting five whole dollars on a boost that netted me over a thousand views but only 2 or 3 voters. I’m going to use it again when the book releases and see what kind of response I get.

w529051Whenever I hear about a full moon, I think about the first book cover I ever did for someone else. I was working as art director for Wings-ePress, and was commissioned to do cover art for author Cheryl Norman’s FULL MOON HONEYMOON, a fun, quirky mystery about a couple booked on a romantic cruise for their honeymoon–wonderful, of course, until one discovers it’s a cruise for a clothing-optional group. Still love that story, originally published as a launch book for Wings in the fall of 2001. I went on to do several more book covers for Cheryl, and we are still great friends today!

That’s all for today. Have a great weekend and a happy Father’s Day!