MEME! 6 Book Things About Me!

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Okay, Mary Cunningham tagged me to write 6 “book” things about myself. I liked her old-timey photo so added one of my own, taken at Big Bear Lake in 19xx…

1. I took Creative Writing in junior high school because it sounded interesting. That was my first inkling that I might like to write. We wrote mostly short stories. In high school, I took every lit class they offered: American Lit, Modern Lit, World Lit and English Lit. (In retrospect, most of it was pretty boring and I cheated more than once with Cliff’s Notes. Dostoevsky just wasn’t my cup of tea.)

2. During those middle school years, my best friend Jayne and I would create stories and tell them to each other. The rules were that our stories had to be about and for each other, and had to involve the other’s favorite rock star. Most often, they were vignettes about how we would meet George Harrison or Mickey Dolenz in an elevator and fall in love. Simple, right?

3. Because I am now considered a legitimate writer (Ha!), it is always me called upon whenever anything needs writing. Last year, I wrote a wedding ceremony for my nephew and niece. I wrote the announcements for the loud speaker at Relay For Life. I wrote the flyers and announcements and reviews for our school PTA. Household correspondence has always been my job, too, but should that include eulogies for relatives?

4. Sad but true. My first publisher, WAY back in 1998, was a fledgling ebook pub. He accepted my first novel instantly, did very little editing (and I was sap enough to believe it was so perfect he couldn’t find anything) and then published it on CD and diskette. I was as naive as they come. I sat back and waited to get rich and famous. There was an “ebook bestseller list” on the web that claimed to be expert enough to know. One day, my book appeared on that list, alongside successful books being put out by popular and respected publishers. I got a certificate from my local RWA chapter. All exciting. Then one day, with a little digging, I discovered that a large number of copies sold all went to a company purchaser. And lo and behold, that company was owned by my publisher. I was humiliated and shamed. I stuffed the certificate in a drawer and immediately began looking for a new publisher. And he couldn’t understand why I wanted to leave.

5. I have become an ebook snob. Yes, it’s true. I buy only ebooks, unless there is something I absolutely need to have that’s not available for download. Yeah, I “get” all that about the feel (and smell!) of a real book, yada yada yada. But for me, it’s all about the story, convenience, cost, and environment. The story will be good in any format. I love being able to read in bed, lights off, not disturbing the hubby. I can buy 2 or 3 books for the price of one. And don’t you know I just hate the waste of trees. Even with my bad inaugural experience with ebooks, I love them. For the record, I prefer reading in Microsoft Reader on a Pocket PC. Will I buy a Kindle or Sony Digital Reader? Probably. Right now I’m not fond of the price or the non-backlit technology.

6. Something most people don’t know: I have 3 writing personas. One for my romantic mysteries, one for my middle grader readers and one for some experimental, edgier stuff.

And that’s it~! Boring, but all true.

Thoughts About Sarah Palin

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Friday morning I accompanied a good friend to an imaging center as her “bosom buddy.” While waiting for her test, we sat a comfortable waiting room (cookies to die for) and watched, in awe, as Senator McCain announced that Gov. Sarah Palin would be his running mate. Another patient, who’d been waiting longer than us, filled us in:

“She’s 44, has 5 children, the youngest is 4 months old with Down Syndrome.” The smile froze on my face, and I barely heard the rest, about Palin’s pipeline views, Alaskan home state, son being deployed to Iraq, NRA connections, etc. I was stuck on the fact that a woman with 5 kids–one a Down’s baby–would knowingly put herself on the path to the White House. Excuse me, but why does one have a bunch of children and then choose an intense life in politics? I know that I had my precious boys and girl so that I could raise them, not someone else.

Am I being harsh? Does anyone else think this is sad?
I might add that I am not a supporter of either McCain or Obama at this point. I was, at first, gleeful to hear that a woman was in the running, hence the aforementioned smile. But as a mother, I know that being one demands more than I ever expected, so much that I cannot fathom trying to juggle motherhood with the intensity of so high a political position.

Someone mentioned, perhaps her husband is a homebody and will care for them. Maybe so. In Washington, he would likely give up oil working and fishing and stay home with the children.

Maybe I am being sexist. What is different about a woman with children taking a public office position than a man taking a similar post? Maybe nothing, for some.

I’m sure Mrs. Palin and her family gave a great deal of thought to her choice. I have to hope that her teen daughters (Bristol, 17, and Willow, 14) feel competent to help raise their disadvantaged baby sibling, Trig, 4 months, and little sister Piper, 7. After all, they are making it work now, with Governor Palin returning to her job just 3 days after Trig’s birth in April. She’s nothing if not devoted to her work.

Perhaps, like many, she is just trying to have it all. To her credit, she chose not to end her baby’s life when told he had the extra chromosome. She is devoutly pro-life, and while it might have made it easier on her future to terminate the pregnancy, she did not. For this I hold her in high regard.

One other thing. Because I was sitting in a room full of women, I noticed that without exception, Mrs. Palin’s family situation was the first thing that came in to each of our minds. Not one mentioned her qualifications for the job.

Bank of Books Welcomes Anne Carter!

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Well, tomorrow I am presenting a workshop/talk on Writing Romance at the Bank of Books in Ventura, CA. Bookstore owner Clarey Rudd is most graciously hosting my appearance at his charming indy store, and I look forward to the visit! In the photo to the left is my good friend and fellow author, Michael Mehas of STOLEN BOY fame, the story of the youngest man ever to be given the death penalty, and Mr. Rudd, enjoying our sunny So Cal weather! I will be bringing handouts, candy and maybe even cookies to my afternoon of sharing romance writing tips with up-and-coming authors. Stop by if you’re in the neighborhood!

What else is new? I’ve just finished my submission story for Sisters In Crime/LA’s next anthology, “Murder in La La Land” and I’ll be crossing all fingers and toes that it gets accepted. A writer could do a lot worse than be associated with this fun and talented group of writers! Wish I could tell you about my story, but mum’s the word – it’s a blind submission, and you don’t know who might be listening! Er, reading.

My local fellow author, teen romance writer Alyssa Montgomery, has a new release out this month. MR. MYSTERIOUS is about three friends – two girls and a boy – who suffer through one of the girls’ crush on a mystery boy, and a magical night they all share as everyone finds out just who Mr. “M” is! This short fiction ebook is available in PDF format at QuakeMe and will soon be selling at Fictionwise in multiple formats.

September will be a busy month, as I have an important graduation to attend, a trip to Vegas, book/author fairs in both Santa Barbara and West Hollywood, CA, and my own mid-month birthday! Whew!

Maybe I’d better go take a nap.

A Crime Unto One’s Self

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I had planned to begin my new series today, where I will be blogging about some very strong, entertaining and philanthropic women I laud. However, having just attended the funeral of a friend, I need to slide back just a little and talk about something that has me so steaming mad I can barely see to type.

As I think about it, Brandi was a very strong, entertaining and philanthropic woman herself. Since my purpose today is not eulogize this lovely, generous woman, I won’t go into all the beautiful things that made up the “dash” in her all-too-short life of forty years. But because it’s pertinent, I will tell you that Brandi had the BRCA 1 mutation gene–and endured 5 years of metastatic cancers. Despite elective, prophylactic surgeries, this insidious disease stole her life two weeks ago, leaving a huge contingent of heartbroken, grieving friends and relatives.

The services were at once loving and poignant. Brandi was the consummate volunteer, often putting aside her own pain and despair in order to help others. The church was filled with those whose lives she had touched. The legacy Brandi left us was one of hope, and a challenge to live our lives better through appreciation of each day and our own approaching mortality. I’m sure I wasn’t alone in my silent promise that I would do better, live healthier, love stronger and make every day count.

With these thoughts still stirring my emotions, a wet tissue clamped into the palm of my hand, I walked across the parking lot en route to my car, exchanging comforting words and nods with others I passed. Yet as I neared my car, I spotted a woman two slots over with her hands held up to her face. At first I thought she was hiding her tears, like many others had done throughout the service. But on closer look, I discovered the unthinkable. This mourner was lighting a cigarette.

I literally shuddered with anger. My emotional state made it quite impossible to rein in my overpowering feelings of disgust and loathing. She was neither young nor old, seemed to have full mental faculties and otherwise appeared healthy. Why, I always ask myself, would anyone suck caustic, burning smoke into their fragile, oxygen-hungry lungs?

Did I mention that my mother succumbed to lung cancer? That she smoked for close to 60 years?

The woman in the parking lot had just come from an auditorium full of people who would give anything to have Brandi back. Brandi, who’d not smoked a day in her life. A woman who, by the luck (bad luck) of the draw, had been tagged with a bad bit of DNA. She’d done everything right. This woman has a choice, and she chooses to continue smoking “coffin nails” when she could opt for a smoke-free, and possibly cancer-free, life.

Cancer may be a monster, and one we are unable to control–at least for the time being. Nicotine addiction is also a monster, and one we can control. No, I’ve never smoked, and yes, I do understand about the strength of the addiction. Still, I believe–Brandi’s mantra–I believe that people have the ability to take responsibility for their own health and give themselves the best possible odds against encouraging the growth of cancer cells.

All I can hope right now is that this parking lot smoker is thinking, strongly, about quitting before it’s too late. Ditto for the teens I see outside the Mall, puffing away as if, AS IF! as if it is actually cool to smoke. I wonder how cool they will feel when they are unable to draw a breath.

E-Books: Cheaper Than Gas!

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My Summer ’08 newsletter is out, headlined with an article about how you could buy an Amazon Kindle for about the same price as a month’s worth of gasoline. Read it at .

I haven’t tried the Kindle yet. I have held the Sony reader in my hands, loved the shape and feel and weight of it, which I believe is similar to the Kindle. I’m still not completely sold, however, since I read in the dark and rely on my Pocket PC’s backlight feature. With either of these upper end e-readers, you’ll need a clamp on booklight to read in bed.

So what’s on my wish list? Along with the aforementioned readers, I’m thinking hard about the web-and-email enabled Samsung Instinct phone, and I’m also in the market for a hands-free Bluetooth device for my car. I can’t stand the fussiness of the ear-pod thing.

Would love to hear what devices you all have!

Tribute to a Fine Wickie

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It’s already January 17th. Didn’t we just watch the Rose Parade a few minutes ago? Okay, I’m once again bemoaning the passage of time.

I’m blazing through my WIP. CAPE SEDUCTION is the story of Darla Foster, the sexy, eccentric, 20 year old starlet who went missing in 1949, and the folks in 2008 she is haunting. Well, maybe haunting is too strong a word. But she’s apparently dead and wanting a little closure.

There’s a lighthouse in this book, patterned after St. George Reef Lighthouse in extreme Northern California. In fact, the lighthouse itself inspired the story. So, although the lighthouse will have a fictional name in CAPE SEDUCTION, I’ve been doing lots of research to make the story authentic. One of the things I did was contact Dennis Powers, author of THE SENTINEL OF THE SEAS, which is the story of St. George Reef, from its 10 year construction in the late 1800’s to present day restoration efforts. Dennis led me to Mr. John Gibbons, retired St. George Reef Lighthouse Keeper, who now lives in Colorado.

“Gibby” was more than happy to take my call, and reminisced about his 39 months in residence at St. George. 39 months, btw, is a record for continuous service on this 6-miles-off-shore rock. He recalled for me perilous days and nights in stormy weather, when waves would actually reach the top of the 140 foot high beacon! During the winter of 1955, stormy weather kept the crew of 5 captive for over a month, and their Christmas dinner was one last can of Spam.

Mr. Gibbons was generous with his advice and anecdotes, and later sent me a handful of snapshots taken inside the lighthouse in 1953, and a gorgeous 11″ x 14″ “portrait” of the light station taken from a Coast Guard helicopter in 1957. Also enclosed was a copy of a page from the log book.

It’s nice to come across truly gentile and caring people these days. Both Dennis Powers and John Gibbons get my vote for modern day heroes, and will be acknowledged in CAPE SEDUCTION when it comes out!

As the Frog Said…

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Time’s fun when you’re having flies.

And boy, has time been one flying fun lately! Just returned from the beautiful coastal town of Santa Barbara, California, where fellow authors Dana Taylor and Jeff Sherratt joined me for the Santa Barbara Book & Authors Festival. The weather was the kind California is best known for, 75 degrees, breezy, sweet. We each sold a handful of books, chatted up the locals and traded tips and stories.

This was my 4th event in as many weeks; I’m beginning to evolve in my thinking. I used to believe it was all about how many books I sold. (Got a trunkful of them, don’t you?) But the more I do this, the more I realize it’s about making a name, building my confidence, connecting with readers. Not only does it enhance my position as an author, it takes unnecessary pressure off and adjusts unrealistic goals. Hand-selling your books is a wonderful experience. Signing “To Jill…” and watching her smile as I press my “Autographed Copy” sticker to the front cover is invaluable ego building.

And authors need ego. Do they ever. Without it, we’d be destined to stay under that rock from which we emerged the day the book was released.

I fantasize sometimes. I think about Reader Jill, going home to family and saying, as she’s opening the refrigerator door at dinner, “hey, I met the nicest lady today at the book fair. Her name was Anne. Carter, I think. I liked her so I bought her book. It’s about a lighthouse. You should see the cover!”

So Jill, if you’re reading this, know that I went home and said to my hubby, “I met the nicest reader today. She is an aspiring author. She seemed really excited about my book. I hope she likes it!!”
Hope to see you next year, Jill!

Put Another Candle…

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on my birthday cake…

Well, I don’t really want to talk about my birthday, except to say that I’ve felt more loved this year. This is the first birthday I’ve had without any parents to call and send their wishes to me. My dear MIL, who passed away in late April, was my last living parent. Maybe they are all wrapping me in celestial love today.

My sweet sister had a little ice cream party for me tonight. That meant a lot to me as we don’t get together nearly so much since our parents passed away. I know Mom was nodding down at us in approval. She always liked family get togethers.

I got lots of phone calls today – both my brothers called, my son, my best friends all rang me up… my husband sent flowers, my other son actually woke up early enough to wish my happy birthday before noon!

I guess I did talk about my birthday, after all. Tomorrow night we are going with friends to the Hollywood Bowl, and Sunday we’ll celebrate with the kids by going out for Sunday brunch. It’s a feel-good weekend for sure, and I am immensely thankful for the life I have and the people in it.

50 Books in 50 States Project!

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Okay, last week I saw someone else doing this and I thought, “she stole my idea!” But the reality of it is, she blogged it first, and she doesn’t know me. I hope it’s working for her.

Probably most of you are authors or aspiring authors. A lot of you are small press folks, working hard to get your books in front of readers. I know I am. My publisher has provided us with distribution through those heralded warehousing giants, Ingram’s and Baker & Taylor, not to mention Partners and Follett. Yet, we all know that distribution by itself is not enough, and books that sit are books that get returned.

My dream is to have one book ordered by a reader in each of the 50 states. Yeah, lofty, I know, but how hard could it be? Ain’t too proud to beg, as the song goes. Order my book from any bookseller, big box or indy, and write me at annecarter @ In return, I’ll promote you and your book, your website, whatever. I’ll write you into my various blogs, put a link to your book on my website. (And if you like my book, I hope you’ll blog about it, too.) Help me fill up my map and show the big guys that small press is alive and kicking.

POINT SURRENDER (Echelon Press, ISBN 978-1-59080-514-5, $12.95 Trade Paperback) is a romantic paranormal lighthouse mystery.

“Point Surrender’s last keeper has been dead for more than 25 years. Will the journal he left behind reveal why he died in the aging white beacon, and what became of his missing family? Amy Winslow is bound and determined to find out. There are those who would just as soon she didn’t.”

If you need more convincing that you’ll love this book, check out my video, reviews and excerpt at and then head on out to your local bookseller and ask them to order a copy. You won’t be sorry, and together we just might give small press another leg up! I’ll be posting updates to my project so check in to see what states are buying books.


ps – I am also very interested in feedback about how quickly your book arrives…

The Virtual Tour Continues: Grace E. Howell

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1. I am very impressed by your bio, and enjoyed the stories about your grandfather (see: You’ve been a teacher, a librarian, a quilt maker and a Master Gardener, among other things. And by the way, just what is a “Master Gardener?” It sounds like an official designation.

Master Gardener certainly is an official designation. To become a Master Gardener you have to take a gardening course from the agriculture extension office in your community. The course includes something on just about all aspects of gardening. Then after you are certified, you must give a number of hours work each year to remain part of the Master Gardener Association, continue your gardening education, and educate others in gardening and environmental concerns. I was very active in the association for eight years, but when I began writing full time after TRUE FRIENDS was published, I became inactive and now only work in my own yard, my children’s yards, my church yard, and an occasional Habitat for Humanity home. Most of what I do now is landscape design and advice instead of actually the digging and planting that I love so much.

2. You have taught ESL (English as a Second Language.) What foreign language(s) do you work with?

Both of my teaching experiences in ESL were with adults from various countries who were very motivated to learn English. At the University of Memphis, I was a substitute teacher in their Intensified English Instruction, which was a language-immersion program. I worked with vocabulary and conversational skills. The majority of students were from Korea with some from Japan, Thailand, and several African countries, only one Spanish speaker. At my church, I organized and created the curriculum for Conversational English for adult students and immigrants. This class included Chinese, Afrikaners, Brazilians, Bulgarians, Japanese, Iranians, Haitians, and Spanish speakers from Central and South America. Needless to say, I did not know all those languages. In neither of these classes did I work with any language other than English. What was so amazing to me was that the students quickly bonded with each other in English as that was the only language they had in common.

3. With gardening and quilt making a big part of your life, do you consider yourself more in touch with traditions and history? Talk about how this influenced your writing.

I think everything in a writer’s background has an influence on who the writer is and what he/she has to say. Naturally, people write about what they know or like as that comes to the surface during the writing process. As for me, I’m not sure that I’m more in tune with the past than the present. Currently I’m working on a contemporary series that definitely involves issues facing us today. I believe that human needs and emotions are the same throughout the ages, and that’s mainly what my writing has focused on. Not the differences in past and present, but the similarities.

4. TRUE FRIENDS sounds like a great book for middle grade readers. Tell us about the story, and the various ways you were able to research this time period and its history.

TRUE FRIENDS is a coming of age story in which Annie must give up her tomboy days with the boys and become a young lady. While she searches for girl friends and tries to meet society’s demands, she faces suspicions and accusations stemming from World War I, as well as racial prejudices of the time. During the tragedy of the 1918 flu epidemic, she begins to “grow up” and to know what is valuable to her.

I grew up in old South Memphis where TRUE FRIENDS takes place, and I had been collecting oral history for this story for a long time from people who lived in that time or heard stories from their parents. Then I spent a summer in the library reading 1918 newspapers from Memphis, Nashville, and New York. Newspapers are invaluable to absorb the flavor and feeling of a time. I also read a number of books, fiction and nonfiction, on the time, and some of the novel came from family stories.

5. Are you working on anything now? Will you continue to write for young adults?

I am working on a middle grade contemporary series, UNLIKELY ALLIANCE, in which three seventh grade misfits reluctantly become friends while each battles severe personal and neighborhood problems. I really like middle grade and young adult books, both to read and to write. And I like the people who read those books so, YES, I will continue to write for young people. I keep hoping more people will realize that a good book for young people is good for anybody. Something quite surprising to me is that so many adults have read and like TRUE FRIENDS. Most surprising has been the number of men who keep asking me when my next book will be out. Recently a middle-aged guy told me he liked TF better than Harry Potter. Unbelievable!

6. How did being a librarian help you in your writing? (And, I have to ask: do your local libraries have your book on their shelves??)

I’m not sure that being a librarian has helped me with my writing, but I will certainly say that having all the books in my library to read has definitely helped. I read constantly both books for young readers and for adults. A good number of libraries in Memphis have TRUE FRIENDS on their shelves; some have had it rebound as a hardback. Both the school libraries and the public libraries say money is a major problem for them to get all the books they would like.

7. What has been your biggest obstacle in getting TRUE FRIENDS from concept to royalty check?

I think, as most authors of a first novel will say, simply finding a publisher was the biggest challenge.

8. What has been the most thrilling aspect of being a published author?

After the first thrill when Karen Syed of Echelon Press offered me a contract, the biggest thrill for me has been appearing at several book festivals as a festival author and receiving accolades from the sponsors and the public. Right up there is the reception I’ve received at schools from students and parents.

9. Where can readers find TRUE FRIENDS, and learn more about you?

For more about me and TRUE FRIENDS, you can check out my website at and my new blog at
You can get TRUE FRIENDS from Follett,, bookstores, and Echelon Press.

Thank you, Anne, for giving me the chance to be here with you and talk about my writing. I have truly enjoyed it.

Thanks Grace!
Interview by Anne Carter, author of POINT SURRENDER