For those who don’t know and feel dumb asking, don’t feel dumb. It stands for “NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth.” This is my first time participating. My husband asked me what I get for this somewhat challenging activity. Fortune? Fame? A book contract? Or just blisters on my fingers and bragging rights for having written 50,000 words between Nov 1 and Nov 30. Hopefully, to have completed a 50,000+ word novel.
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing.
People sign up for NaNoWriMo for lots of different reasons. For many, it’s a chance to connect with other authors also trying to find the time, the voice, the inspiration to write what may be their first book. For others, it’s all about the D’s: diligence; dedication; discipline. Making the commitment to put butt in chair and fingers on keyboard, as they say.
My goal for this month is to write a traditional, trope-driven sweet romance. Not my usual work, so presents a nice challenge for me. As of November 18, 2020, I am at 32,697 words (on target would be 30,006 so I am ahead of schedule!) My story involves a writer, a veterinarian, a little girl, a lot of cute animals, and a lighthouse. (Any surprise there?) And this isn’t just any lighthouse, it’s a beacon — complete with tower, stairs, lens and gallery — on a mountaintop in the forest. [Watch for CHURCHILL’S PEAK in 2021!]
NaNoWriMo has been around since 1999. Their mission statement reads:
NaNoWriMo is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that believes in the transformational power of creativity. We provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people find their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and off the page.

OTHER NEWS: (On which I will expound later) The Redmond Family Secrets trilogy is complete through first draft! Loved writing these books and can’t wait for you to read them!
STARCROSSED ROMANCE FANS: Hard to believe, but I have just finished the first draft of THE GYPSY IN ME. This book had a long shelf life but finally got its turn. The third in the StarCrossed series, the MacKendall-Pierce children have all come of age and are creating havoc for each other.
I hope you are all doing well amidst the health and political crises we find ourselves in. Don’t let fatigue allow you to let your guard down. WEAR THE MASK and learn to keep your distance. Define your personal boundaries and stick with them. Consider getting the vaccine. And keep reading!