Once, when I was working (term loosely used, here) in sales, I was told by some trainer/superior/mentor that that key to successful selling is liking your product. If you don’t like it, she said, how can you convince someone else to like it? It is your passion that will sell this widget. Your desire to share this fabulous thingamajig with the world. Your absolute assurance that this little whatzit will improve their life, somehow.
So I’m here to tell you, I LOVE these books! I couldn’t be more passionate about the Beacon Street Mysteries, their dynamic, sexy, charismatic players, their twisty-turny plots. My utmost desire is that you give one or two of them a read! I assure you, you’ll feel rewarded.
The update: I’ve designed new and improved covers for all my Beacon Street mysteries, and am completely overhauling an early novel, expanding it to become the prequel to the set. I’m happy to do this, especially since I just finished the first draft of Angel’s Gate. I will soon announce a blitz of cover reveals and release-day blog appearances, followed by a nice blog tour to introduce the new book and its mates.
I’m dying to show you the new covers, but, well, there’s this schedule thing. This “dangling of carrot” idea. So sit tight… in the meantime, I have a novella up at Amazon that could use a few reviews! Starfire, by Anne Carter, only 99 cents for your Kindle…