Friday Potpourri: Weds., Sept 30

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Suffering. I made some kind of mistake, not knowing (well, if we knew when we were making mistakes, we wouldn’t make them, duh!) and now I am trying to fix it. It’s not an easy thing to fix, either. My day was going pretty well, too. The thing is, I’m the kind of person that doesn’t take mistakes that easily. I know people who basically just shrug it off when they goof. Life’s too short for regrets, right? Yeah, but.

Moesha is not my mistake, but she is kind of a mistake, hence her photo here.

We’ve had great weather the past two days. Excellent weather. We are neither sweltering, nor under water. Breezy, 72 degrees, the kind of weather the rest of the nation thinks we have all the time. We don’t. In a matter of days, it will be either HOT again, or the pre-Halloween cold snap will settle in. But I’m okay with it, I really don’t want to live anywhere else. Not permanently. I think I’d enjoy London for a few months. Kahana, too, would work. (That’s in Maui, FYI.)

I’m probably 2/3 or 3/4 through my oddball book. This book will need serious editing. I may consider self-pubbing this one, as an experiment, since the story itself is experimental. My cross-cultured characters are struggling, and I am trying to help them find peace. We shall see.

I caught up with George this week. BOY GEORGE to most of you, George O’Dowd to some and just plain George to me. Although he doesn’t yet know it, we have become good friends as he unwittingly helps me to write my story. Although there have been periods where he has tried to shed the “BOY” part of his moniker, it does have a bit of franchise with it and likely serves him well even now. Unfortunately, his good name has been hi-jacked, used as a somewhat derogatory nickname for conservative British Parliament member George Osborne. (While I’m sure you laugh it off, dear George, I’ll bet you hate it, wish you’d trademarked it way-back-when.) Anyway, George is looking good, sounding good, and I’m happy to see he is busy and productive.

Saturday I’m heading out to the Duarte Library Festival of Authors. Fellow Echelon authors Gayle Carline, Jeff Sherratt and I will be participating in a mystery panel as well as hawking our books to hungry readers. On Sunday, I’ll be signing with Sisters in Crime/LA at WEHO – West Hollywood Book Fair. Should be a fun weekend!

Los Angeles Times reports that ebook readers are expected to be a hot item for holiday sales this year. Great news for all authors, I think. Since CAPE SEDUCTION comes out in November, I’d say that’s very good timing.

Okay, back to obsessing about my mistake. Back soon.

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3 thoughts on “Friday Potpourri: Weds., Sept 30

  1. Sandy

    I’m one of the people that usually shakes off a mistake. It is in the past, we can’t go back and redo it, so we just promise ourselves to try and not do it again! I think it is great you are writing an oddball novel. Taking risks can be liberating, eh? I’m anxiously awaiting, with my Kindle in hand, for Cape Seduction to become available. I’m sure you will give us all a head’s up when we can officially buy it?

  2. admin

    Thanks, Sandy. You are always there with the kind word and comment.

    Well, about the oddball book, I can already hear some of the oomments in my head, because it deals with a controversial topic and I’m not sure my usual readers will find it acceptable. Hmmm. Maybe a third pen name? LOL.

    Yes–I’ll be all over the place when CS comes out. I always appreciate your enthusiasm!


  3. Sandy

    You won’t hear any whining from me on anything oddball. I like oddball, and admire anyone who writes it. Bring it on, girl!

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