Sandie & Dolce
Was it a hoax? It’s kind of looking that way, isn’t it? Would a six year old manifest anxiety over lying by being nauseous? Could happen. If it was a scheme, how sad. People can be so pathetic in their obsession for notoriety. If it truly was as presented, it’s still a sad commentary on many levels.
I don’t usually write politics or religion. I have to admit, even with my (self-imposed) minimal exposure to the media, I am getting sick to death of Obama bashers. And let me say this not about Obama himself or his platforms, his actions, his family, his speeches, etc. It’s just about the depths to which Americans, in general, have sunk. This country has lost its ability to debate, to be civil, to think independently. Manners and dignity have become passé, attributes to be dismissed as archaic. People say whatever they feel, whenever they feel, without regard to anything but their own opinion.
I have a problem with my animals. Until recently, we got by with our big ol’ lovable hulky Golden Retriever, Sandie. Not the sharpest dog in the drawer, but a real lover. Moesha, our feral Tortie cat, tolerates Sandie and barely, the rest of us. She’s a tough kitty, not afraid of anything. Enter Dolce, an almost 2 year old, American-Bred German Shepherd. Dolce is possibly smarter, and definitely better trained than our stubborn Sandie. She minds well, does tricks, has puppy-ADD. And an overt fascination with the cat. If Moesha is even in the house, Dolce can’t function. We are a foster home for this sweet (pun intended) doggie, but I must keep her and the cat separated. I’ve tried and tried to socialize them, to no good result. The cat ends up chasing the dog through the house. It’s become a nightmare. And now, the once-perfectly trained puppy is pooping in my living room. Argh!
For you die-hard, loving, loyal fans, a word: CAPE SEDUCTION will not release on November 1. Not sure the exact date, hopefully by the end of November. My editor is backed up, and we are not through the edits yet. No worries.
I spoke too soon about our fickle California weather. We are back to warm! Looking forward to a fun, relaxing weekend, hope you are too.
I can’t even watch some of these shows my husband watches on CNBC or MSNBC or whatever. All they do is scream at each other, and interrupt. It makes me antsy and aggitated. I’d rather read, thank you! As far as the animals are concerned, we are a family of dysfunctional animals. Five cats and a guinea pig, all the cats but one are freaks. The guinea pig is the sweetest of the bunch! But those sweet doggie faces! They love their momma!
Oh, yeah, we have three g-pigs, too… and they ARE sweet pets! (Messy, tho! 🙂 )
The bashing seemed to start with Bush–not a debate about subject matter but personal, nasty comments. And once this kind of behavior becomes acceptable against one person, no one is safe. That’s why I don’t watch news or political shows. Sandy is right. A good book is a much better alternative!
Good luck with the animals. Cats always seem to boss the dogs around, from what I’ve seen in friend’s homes. Hope you find a solution. (How frustrating!)
As to the state of politics, I would agree if the same folks that are ringing their hands in distress now felt as badly when Mr. Bush was the target. Oddly, I don’t remember that happening.
I too agree that a good book is an excellent alternative to many things.