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I must say I am absolutely loving this rain. It helps to make one feel like it’s really holiday time, despite the fact that it seems we just packed up Christmas a month ago.

School’s Out

School is done, for now. Political Science was a great class, I learned a ton of stuff that I somehow missed the first time around. Like, did you know the Democrats are the liberal party? Okay, I’m joking. But seriously, I enjoyed the class, finished with a 97%.

Crossing Cultures, my diversity-requirement cinema class, turned out to be much better than I thought. The sad thing was not getting to know more of the other students until the end. I did, I suppose, labor under self-imposed intimidation, being in with all those decidedly younger students. But honestly, most of them were really nice. I did my final project yesterday, a Power Point-backed discussion of my original screenplay for Unmasking Paulie Bingham. My presentation included photos of glam rockers Marc Bolan, David Bowie, Slade, George Michael, Iggy Pop, Elton John and Boy George. I backed them with audio snippets from “Rebel Rebel”, “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go” and “Miss Me Blind”. I talked about the history of glam rock and difficulties those rockers who were gay faced in hiding the fact. I related it to the struggles faced by the characters in my story. It all went “swimmingly” well. A+.

We had a pot luck lunch, and snacked while everyone gave their presentations. There were students who worked for a charitable organization (L.A.’s “Dream Place”) over Thankgsgiving; a girl who described the hardships her Vietnamese parents faced as boat people; a girl who exposed the fact that our community doesn’t take care of its homeless population very well. There were four people who visited the Museum of Tolerance; a guy who works with mentally challenged children and adults through the “LET ME SAIL” program. And last, a young man who made his own >2 minute film about fear between students on campus. The film was great.

I was sad that it was the last day. I made a few friends I’ll likely not see again. I hope to see Melinda, the instructor, next spring, if I can take her Film Aesthetics class. She’s a smart, savvy lady and we got along well. A class like that is more like a treat than a task.

“Just Like Jay”

I’m excited to report that Top Publications has just issued a press release for Sisters in Crime’s  Murder In La-La Land (which will include my short story, “Just Like Jay“), with a publication date of May 2010. There is talk that the anthology may be out in time for the L.A. Times Festival of Books. That would be super.

Here’s a link to it if you wish to read or share it: Exciting stuff!

Works in Progress

Doing the presentation for Crossing Cultures put a new spin on my book. It brought to light aspects of the characters’ challenges I hadn’t yet considered, which is great as I will begin the rewrite soon – likely after the holidays. For example, I don’t address the effects of the press and media as much as I should. I’m more focused on the internal struggles and light on the external issues that plague the couple.
It looks like CAPE SEDUCTION will be a January release at this point, and I’m fine with that.

Relay For Life

Today I went to a small holiday boutique, where portions of proceeds will go to our local RFL. I bought some great edible stocking stuffers, and my sister bought… oh, wait. The recipient might be reading this, and I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise!
And last night, we went to our local Italian eatery for pasta, and were treated to Melissa Kaye‘s wonderful voice while we ate. Melissa is on board for our 4th annual Wine Tasting next May!

Happy Hannukah

Tonight we will be lighting candles and sharing latkes and blintzes with our good friends. It’s an annual celebration, dubbed “Hannumas” and we’ve been doing it for something like 15 years.
Have a great week! (Note:  For some reason the formatting is screwball on this post and I don’t have the patience to fix it. Sorry… 🙂
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