Cape Seduction

CapeSeductionCover-2014-2 copy


ISBN:  978-0692250648

Pages:  361

Publisher:  Beacon Street Books

After being the backdrop for 1948’s critically acclaimed tragic romance, Cape Seduction, Northern California’s Dragon Rock Lighthouse was shuttered and abandoned for decades—and was the last place up-and-coming Hollywood starlet Darla Foster was seen alive.

When photojournalist Rebecca Burke locks horns with Los Angeles attorney Matt Farralone while trying to gain access to the derelict off-shore beacon, she encounters the spirit of the sassy, once-promising Oscar-hopeful Foster, and uncovers a 60-year-old secret that sets her world on end.

Now available for your nook, Kindle, Sony Reader or other ebook device!


Ready for an excerpt?

Check out Chapter One – Present Day – and

Chapter Two – 1948HERE.

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6 thoughts on “Cape Seduction

  1. Jackie Vick

    A great beginning, one that pulls the reader right in. The authenticity of 1948 Hollywood–from movie and actor references to locations and social references–draws us right into that world.

  2. caite@a lovely shore breeze

    Oh, I am a total sucker for a book with a lighthouse at the center of it.

    Start off with some swirling fog, the beautiful Northern California coast and a decades old mystery starring a missing young actress and how can you go wrong?
    You have my attention!

  3. Ivy

    I love the way the chapters alternate between then and now…I also like the “feel”. The 1948 feels right. I’ve read the whole book and enjoyed it A LOT!

  4. Susan Griscom

    Totally awesome book. I love lighthouses too. The few I’ve visited have always seemed a little haunting to me. You can see my full review of Cape Seduction here:

  5. Deidre

    I’m digging the atmosphere of the story. It makes me feel like I’m there.

    Oh yeah, I totally love lighthouses too. lol

    deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

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