ANGEL’S GATE by Anne Carter
A Beacon Point Romance – Book #3
ISBN: 978-0692214978 (Paperback)
ASIN: B00L01Z940
Genre: Romance/Mystery
Pages: 272
Publisher: Beacon Street Books
Jack McKenzie has returned to L.A., a city he kind of hates, to get back to some things he really loves: ice hockey, his friends, and his sidelined career in set design. He soon discovers that someone has been looking for him—and not for a video production.
“I love the interactions of the characters from previous episodes mingled with the journey of the new characters. Some really shady characters in this one, too. The story line is credible and consistent. I really enjoy Carter’s writing style and ability to weave in the paranormal without obsessing over it. And the love story is really believable, without being too over the top. Well done, indeed.” — Reader Marsha Thalleen.
Now available at Amazon.