There is nothing quite like travel to clear your head and invite the muse back on board. My husband and I were joined by 3 dear friends for a cruise up the Rhine River, gliding through Switzerland, France, German and the Netherlands. Our land portion also include a tour of Milan, Italy, and a private viewing (with our group) of The Last Supper. Lake Como, Bellagio, Strasbourg, Dusseldorf, Heidelberg, gosh! Then Amsterdam. We dined in a castle and on a canal boat. We rode a funicular, ate the finest food, were treated like royalty aboard the MS Inspire, an exquisite part of Tauck River Cruises‘ wonderful fleet.

But one of the best things to come out of the trip was the clearing out of my mind’s cobwebs and angst. Freeing up space for creativity to return. And, the impetus for a new book. I am finally well into the next novel in my as-yet-unnamed series. Following The Secrets Within Us will be Make Me Tell Lies, which involves the fashion industry in Milan and Los Angeles.

The series will tell the tales of three siblings (original, eh?), each of whom seeks answers to the mysteries surrounding their birth parents. Jacob, Jeremy and Holly Redmond are brothers and sister but not blood related. Circumstances compel each of them to find out the whys and wheres of their being given up for adoption. Not an unusual trope, but every story has the potential to be different and evoke new meaning for readers. Secrets recounts Jacob’s very bizarre past and Lies will uncover a remarkable twist to Holly’s life. Last will be Jeremy’s heart-rending realizations around his mysterious, missing father. I can’t wait to write it!

As wonderful as vacations are, it was good to get back to my own nest and a full-sized keyboard. Hoping to go back some day!