Fans will be thinking: ANGEL’S GATE! Cover Reveal! Yes!!!
But, no. Turns out, another book muscled its way into the front of the line. EVER & ALWAYS is a rewritten, updated version of an older novella, In Too Deep. It’s here that hero-and-sidekick Jack McKenzie makes his debut as a man at a crossroads, with a new baby and a one-night-stander complicating his life. Enter Madelyn Cross, a woman who’s all but given up on finding the right guy. A bizarre mystery from Maddie’s past, a trip around the world and some heart-rending soul-searching all serve to make EVER & ALWAYS “something every reader can relate to. Ms. Carter’s story is funny, touching, and poignant. A true pleasure from beginning to end,” according to Rhapsody Magazine. (Blush.)
Jack, of course, appears in both POINT SURRENDER and CAPE SEDUCTION as he pals around with and supports his friends, Case and Matt. In the upcoming ANGEL’S GATE, Jack returns as a main character seeking answers about his own heritage, while Maddie hides a life-altering secret. But while you’re waiting for ANGEL’S GATE, pick up a copy of EVER & ALWAYS next month so you’ll have the skinny on Jack’s colorful past!