I’ve probably mentioned before (clearing throat) how I’m not a stellar marketer. I mean, what author is? Remember, I’m still a “USA TOMORROW BEST SELLING AUTHOR” with a very limited reach and budget. But even my hubby reminds me that I must market. Otherwise, all is for naught. I ran a experimental Facebook campaign when GYPSY released, and for every day that campaign ran, I sold at least one book. The day after it ended, the sales stopped. Cold. And one book a day doesn’t really cut it, anyway. So, I need to expand my reach and beef up my enticement. Lucky for me, I have a wee bit of experience with Photoshop, and I’m able to through together a few elements to create an ad. Here’s the concept:

Along with the ad, I’m thinking of making Book #1 a 99¢ deal. I’m also working on putting the books into a box set, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. I’m learning, nonetheless.
Oh, and the QR code works, by the way!