Lots of buzz on the ebook front. Anyone who reads me knows it’s a hot issue right now. Have been working with my publisher, Echelon Press, to create unique ways to sell digital versions of our books at festivals and booksignings, and we are coming up with some great ideas. Can imagine downloading 3-4 books at once from a publisher’s booth, right into your Sony Digital Reader or iPhone? Or bringing home a very cool flash drive loaded with the books you’ve chosen on the spot? (You know those USB drives plug right into some of the ereaders!)
I have a vested interest. CAPE SEDUCTION is slated for a November 1st release in electronic format. Fourteen formats, to be sure. And you can bet LOTS of people will be getting digital readers, iPhones and Kindles for Christmas this year. Forrester recently released a report that is paraphrased at BNET. Apparently, “from 2008 to 2009, Amazon sold an estimated 600,000 Kindles. But Sony sold an estimated 400,000 of its e-readers.” That’s a million readers, folks. And it doesn’t count the number of iPhones, iPod Touches, PDA’s, laptops and other ebook reading devices already in use. Now that Sony has lowered prices on devices and ebooks, and has determined they will support the ePub* format, we will start to see them pull ahead of Amazon. Mark my words. (*See great WSJ article about ePub and DRM here.)
Speaking of Cape Seduction, I’m ecstatic to say that cover art is in the works. We have obtained rights to photos that will be mysteriously ‘Shopped into a spellbinding cover! So stay tuned on that front.
My calendar says my next personal appearance will be at the Duarte Festival of Authors. Have never done this particular festival and am looking forward to sharing some space with fellow Echelon author Gayle Carline. Gayle and I met at L.A. Times Festival of Books in April, when she was selling her new release, FREEZER BURN. We get along great except for when it comes to horses… she’s an equestrienne extraordinaire and I’m more the type that likes the wooden ones that go ’round and ’round in the mall. Is there a 12-step program for equine-o-phobes?
Good news/bad news department: We now think our guinea pig has a benign lipoma. A fat bump. Not dangerous in itself, and should just be watched for awhile. The bad news? Son is not coming home now. 🙁 He did assure me he’ll be home for Christmas (why do I hear Bing Crosby‘s baritone in the background?) Ugh. Sadness. Why does Singapore have to be so far away (and so expensive to commute?)
Have started a new story. Don’t know yet if it is a full length book or not. Takes place in the 1980’s, about a glam rocker and a makeup artist. Has to do with gay performers hiding their sexuality (or not). Not sure how readers will take this topic. Not really worried, either.
Haven’t fired up the new Pink KitchenAid Stand Mixer yet. Will plan to do some whirling this weekend and will, of course, share the results, if only virtually. Daughter wants to paint flames on the sides, like Alton Brown‘s. I told her I have enough trouble with burning food.
I’m sure I’ve forgotten something, something likely only interesting to me and my stalkers. Oh well. It will wait.
I am one of those 600,000 Kindle users, and my friend Marianne is one that just got an iPod touch and just downloaded your book, based on my ravings. I shall be one of the throngs in line for the November release of Cape Seduction! (Is that where Jack buys a lighthouse?) I’m really glad to hear the G.P. is not malignant, but sorry about the bad news. There is always a darned down side!
There is a pretty big market out there for gay/lesbian literature, it just takes the right marketing. Just keep writing; you’re awesome!