Coquille River Lighthouse as it looked to us in 1990.
Some friends of mine are traveling to Oregon tomorrow, and our discussion about their trip led me to recommend visits to the state’s many beautiful lighthouses. As it turns out, their travels will take them along a good portion of the Oregon coastline, leading them past several of these marvelous beacons. Heceta Head, of course, is a favorite of mine, being the inspiration for (and gracing the cover of) my latest romantic mystery, POINT SURRENDER.
Yaquina Head, Yaquina Bay, Umpqua River, Cape Arago and others are all on the route. However, I gave my friends specific instructions to visit Coquille (Koh-kel) River Lighthouse in Bandon. With Google’s help, a quick search of this distinctive, octagonal beacon reveals that it has been refurbished since my visit in the early 1990’s. LighthouseFriends.com seems to have the most updated info, and they mention some discord concerning the paint colors on this 113 year old station. Seems some folks feel it should be all white. Personally, I’m just thrilled it’s been restored.
When my family visited Bullards State Beach Park in 1990, my young sons delighted in playing amount the rocks on the jetty. The younger, just 4, managed to plop himself down into the cold waters of the Coquille River! He thought it was a riot until I had to strip him down in the parking lot, behind our open car door, and redress him in dry clothes.
I just visited Coquille River and a few other Oregon lights with my daughter who lives in Eugene. You can now climb to the lantern room at Coquille. You are correct that the base has now been painted a reddish tone. I was really fascinated to visit the lantern room at Cape Blanco Lighthouse and stand inches from its working Fresnel Lens. I’ve posted pictures on our blog (disclosure: we publish maps of lighthouses).
Thanks for the update! I so enjoy hearing from other lighthouse enthusiasts. Feel free to post a link to your map site, I’m sure others would be interested to know about it as well.
Oregon lighthouses are among the “prettiest” on the West Coast. I live in the Los Angeles area, so don’t get up there too often. Cape Blanco is another lovely site. Thanks again for sharing.