Breast Cancer Awareness

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It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month.

What does that mean, exactly? It’s the time of the year when we

  • renew our commitment to detecting—and fighting—breast cancer;
  • review the latest information on how to help ourselves stay cancer-free;
  • remember those who are working through recovery, and those who lost their battle;
  • support those who work hard to research, to heal and to help those affected by breast cancer.


Did you know that >one in 100 breast cancer patients are men?

Did you know that according to the American Cancer Society, the chance for a woman to be diagnosed with breast cancer is 1 in 8?

Did you know that weight control is one way to decrease your risk?

For more information, here are some helpful links:

American Cancer Society

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Circle of Hope

If just one reader acts on this message by scheduling a mammogram, remembering a friend in need or making a donation, my time in writing it will be well spent.