These were all taken with my Blackberry phone, so on the fly. No rhyme or reason to what attracts my attention, but it’s all fun. The picture of the bicycles was taken at the L.A. Times Festival of Books, University of Southern California. Theresa’s is near Burroughs High School, where my daughter performed with her show choir–her dad and I stopped here for breakfast. The mural at the Burrito Factory is especially eye-catching. Now, those vegetables… wow. This was taken at the College of the Canyons during their reception for scholarship winners. And the helicopter? Go figure. Rumor was that a deranged guy was barricaded in his home nearby, and the Sheriff’s Department was taking part in surveillance.
Bikes at USC. They don't all drive Beemers.

Helicopter Lands in Newhall Park. Huh?

Theresa's Family Restaurant in Burbank. Two Thumbs Up

Wall Art at the Burrito Factory on Soledad
I’m not very good at photo placement, so bear with me here – I could figure it out if I was so inclined, but I’m not.
More to come.
Now that I am out of school, blogging should become more consistent!