August 7th: National Lighthouse Day & Contest!

      5 Comments on August 7th: National Lighthouse Day & Contest!

NatlLHDay WebSurely you know how exciting this is to us lighthouse people!

A quick surf through cyberspace will turn up numerous celebrations of National Lighthouse Day. I am celebrating by kicking off my month-long campaign to launch my latest romantic lighthouse mystery, CAPE SEDUCTION!

But back to NLD. What’s it all about, actually? Well, back in 1988, Senator John H. Chafee (Rhode Island) sponsored a joint resolution that was introduced to Congress on April 28th, designating the day of August 7, 1989 as “National Lighthouse Day.” The enactment of the resolution would coincide with the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Lighthouse Act and the commissioning of the first Federal lighthouse in the United States. Read more about it at my Legendary Lighthouses Blog.

Traditionally, those lighthouses open to the public plan special events and celebrations every August 7th. This year is CapeSeduction-lgespecially fun because the 7th falls on Saturday, a day when lighthouse visitation is already high. One particular lighthouse, however, will remain shuttered today, as it does for most of the other 364 days a year:  St. George Reef, the inspiration for CAPE SEDUCTION. Which brings me to my campaign!

CAPE SEDUCTION officially launches in September. So, between now and September 10th, I’ll be conducting a contest! I haven’t done one in awhile, so it’s time. Here are the answers to your questions:


  • Visit the excerpt page for CAPE SEDUCTION on my website.
  • Post a Comment. Must be relevant to the excerpt, please!
  • By posting, you agree to let me Tweet your wonderful comment or post it to Facebook.


  • Between August 7 and September 10, 2010, during which time I’ll be on my annual BOOK BLOG TOUR! (More on this next time.)


  • I will make a random drawing and announce the winner at my last BLOG TOUR STOP, which is LIFE AS A PUBLISHER with Karen Syed!


  • Winner’s choice: $25 Gift Card from Barnes and Noble or
  • Flash Drive loaded with 5 Echelon Press novels of your choice! (A $40 value!)


  • The hope that the excerpt will inspire you to BUY CAPE SEDUCTION! You enlightened ebook readers can get it for $2.99, and those tactile-feely-paper-lovers are welcome to it for $13.99 from Amazon! Check Omnilit for various ebook formats of both lighthouse mysteries, CAPE SEDUCTION and POINT SURRENDER.)

As always, thanks for visiting my blog today. I know how valuable your reading time is.

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5 thoughts on “August 7th: National Lighthouse Day & Contest!

  1. Sandy

    I know the beautiful St. Marks Lighthouse in the panhandle of Florida only opens on this day. I really wish it weren’t such a long drive or I’d just pop up there and take the tour. This giveaway sounds like a winner!

  2. caite@a lovely shore breeze

    The entire nation should celebrate National Lighthouse Day! There should be parades and speeches …and sales at WalMart!

    I also love your name for those of us who still love books, as opposed to downloaded files…”tactile-feely-paper-lovers”…lol

  3. Brenda Rupp

    I have this fascination with lighhouses and I truly do believe in ghosts! We have one that lives here in our home. I would love to read the book, but have to say I’m one of those tactile feely paper lover people!

  4. Brandy B

    I love lighthouses. I love pics of lighthouses and I even had a lighthouse themed bathroom once. I still like reading print books opposed to ebook even thought I have a Nook. I just can’t get used to skipping pages and moving back and forth in the book to look something up, it takes to long on my ereader, I have to rely on my crappy memory, lol



    the idea of fog scares me as usually its very thick where we are BUT we live in SK, the prairie province, and where the fog is there is very little water and it can be very very thick and its creepy and reading the exert gave me chills !!!

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