Hello to a new year!
Let’s face it – the ability to accept and adapt to change is paramount to human survival. Our lives are continually changing, beginning with the first day and every day thereafter as we evolve. We change homes, schools, jobs, partners. Our bodies, our opinions, our likes and dislikes. All change.

But now, bigger changes loom, and we must choose whether to balk or go with the flow. A new administration; a new climate; new workplace philosophies. Computers that both help and haunt us. Self-driving, gasoline-free cars! Some changes are fun, like these A.I. generated pictures.
The older I get, the more acutely aware I am of change. Because, after all, I’ve been through so many! When you notice that your remaining days are far less than the ones you’ve lived, you begin to care about how you spend them. Which changes are worth my concern? My precious time? Care about your grandkids! Future generations, people cry! Well, of course I care. But at some point, one must hand over the worries to them. It will be their world. I’ve worried enough.
Change. So personal changes include the decision to back off on writing. Please note, I was fully aware when I published my last 4 books that I would not have time to market them. I’m still very content, proud even, to have ushered them from the hard disk to the bookshelf. But book marketing and promotion is a full-time job, and I already have 2 full-time jobs. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Simple things delight me. The fact that I had 19 oranges on my tree this year, sweet, seedless, juicy. My roses bloom all year. My 11 year old car runs and looks like new. I have great health insurance. I love my house, my yard, my bed.
I am so thankful for my life. I have incredible friends, wonderful opportunities to serve the local nonprofit community, and two very sweet grandchildren I have the honor of helping to raise. The business I started in 1991 is still supporting me and my great clients. I have three adult children who treat me with more love and respect than I probably deserve. And a devoted and still charming husband whom I love with all my heart. My loving sister(s), brother(s), nieces and nephews – how fortunate am I? Oh, and my crazy-sweet canine furbaby, Emelia “Melie”, always Velcro’d to my side.

This site will be changing, too, later this year. I can’t wait unveil my plans for bringing you more valuable and fun content. The book stuff will still be there, still a part of who I am. Stay tuned!