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Publisher: Beacon Street Books
Parker Ryder’s best friend is dead. Everyone says the accident wasn’t his fault, but Parker can barely live with the guilt.
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Cara has been crushing on Mitchell Cardell for quite some time, only sharing his true identity with best friend Allyson. Their friend Jeremy, who has managed to learn everything about Mitchell except his real name, has been given a codename only: Mr. Mysterious When Cara’s friend Paul asks them to join him and his buddies for a movie, Cara agrees and relays the invite to Allyson, who’s on board for a good time–but seems to know something about the upcoming night that she keeps hidden from Cara. A night of hanging with friends, a night that seemed so simple, might just turn out to be an amazing night that Cara and Allyson will never forget!
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Cara now has her Mr. Mysterious, but is he really as mysterious as his old nickname implied?
It’s over between Cara and Mitchell. She’s seen him out with another girl after he cancelled their plans to supposedly be with his family. Now Cara is left with no boyfriend, a dress, and no date to the Homecoming Dance. Meanwhile, Allison seems to have her own agenda for the night of Homecoming. Does Cara really want to be a third wheel for the night?
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Finals. Even with an amazing boyfriend who is calm when finals are upon them, Sarah finds herself avidly studying for the dreaded tests whenever she finds an empty spot in her schedule. The last thing she needs, on top of the never-ending stress of acing each exam, is to begin to feel sick when finals have arrived.
While she’s in the library one morning before classes start, she meets Michael Springer–a nice guy who seems to be the only one crazy enough, beside herself, to arrive early enough to school early to catch a few moments of studying. She continues to run into him, and he becomes adamant that she return home and rest; staying will only cause her illness to worsen. Michael might be a great new friend, but finals are the most important time of the semester after all. Rest will come over winter break. And why is it that even though she’s been at the school a whole year, this is the first time she’s ever seen Michael Springer? BUY IT SOON!